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Pfizer co.jp ホーム患者さん・一般の皆様社会体験アプリ「ごっこランド」への出店

社会体験アプリ「ごっこランド」に出店しています。/ Pfizer Japan provides free contents in “GOKKO LAND”


Pfizer Japan provides free contents in a social experience app called “GOKKO LAND” in which kids and families can enjoy playing the games and learning social experiences. 
In the content “Let’s deliver Pfizer’s medicine!”, they can experience research, development, manufacturing and information provision activities for pharmaceuticals.
In the content “Let’s protect your body with immunity”, you can understand that your body is protected by the mechanism of immunity, vaccines, and immune memory through two types of games which is “Hasshin Meneki Go (Shooting game)” and “Mawasou Meneki Kioku Sugoroku (Board game)”.
Everyone can play all contents through the following app. We hope kids and families become interested in medicine, science, our body and health, and mechanism of immune system that protect the body through these contents.

紹介動画 / Introduction movie



さっそく遊んでみよう!/ Let’s play now!


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